Kite Fly High - Adeline Yeo (HP)

Adeline Yeo (HP)

34.4K plays 2.6K downloads
Released Dec 06, 2021
Plays 34.4K
Downloads 2.6K
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Favorites 30
Kite Fly High - Adeline Yeo (HP) by Adeline Yeo (HP) is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Track info

Kite Fly High is a hiphop genre instrumental music soundtrack. Music inspiration came from kids who likes to fly kites high up on the sky. It could train their kite flying skills and relax themselves after their studies as a hobby enjoyment. As kite flew acrossed the sky, they were hooeful just like the kite full of freedom soared.

Instrumental Yes
Explicit Radio-Safe