The incident involving the abduction of Benedict Akika, a prominent figure in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Oyo State, unfolded on Wednesday, September 4. Akika was reportedly taken by unidentified gunmen from his home in Olorunda, Lagelu Local Government Area of Oyo State.
Reports indicate that the armed abductors forcefully entered Akika’s residence, issuing threats of harm to anyone who attempted to resist them. According to a family source, Akika was spending time with his family when the gunmen suddenly appeared at his home.
The situation underscores the ongoing security challenges faced by individuals in various regions, highlighting the need for increased measures to safeguard citizens and prevent such instances from occurring.
“He was kidnapped last night(Wednesday night). And this is a man that empowered some widows and the less privileged with work tools worth millions of naira at his Olorunda residence a few weeks ago,” family sources mentioned.